Ethereum Towers Avatar Solution
Many recent Metaverse projects seem to focus a great deal on what the land, the buildings, and the accessories in the virtual world will look like. Up until now, even we have mainly shown the sweeping landscapes of Ethereum Worlds and the cinema-style shots of the Towers. Very few projects show what you as a person will actually look like, as in how you will be seen by others when traversing the platform. This is something that we believe will be important to our owners in the future when they start visiting our Metaverse on a regular basis.
Here at Ethereum Towers we are keen to make sure you are the best version of yourself when you’re within the Ethereum Worlds Metaverse, whether it be relaxing, socializing, entertaining or doing business. After much deliberation we have decided to focus on building our Metaverse and using an already established and experienced third party for our avatar solution; ‘Ready Player Me’.
What is Ready Player Me?
Ready Player Me is a cross-game avatar platform that has been established for over seven years. They provide you with the tools to create your avatar and then use that same digital representative across multiple games and worlds. The beauty here is that you can be the same YOU wherever you go and even be recognized outside of the Ethereum Worlds ecosystem. I’m sure you’re starting to see the advantages of such a feature. Ready Player Me has been featured in Forbes and are compatible with big platforms including Somnium Space and RTFKT, as well as partnerships with sportswear giants; New Balance and car brand; Cupra.
Why did we choose Ready Player Me?
Well apart from the obvious advantageous cross-world interoperability, Ready Player Me has a number of other features that we feel would help users maximize their overall virtual experience both within Ethereum Worlds and while exploring the wider Metaverses (over 1750 platforms and counting!). For starters, Ready Player Me avatars look like actual humans, something that we felt quite important. More impressively they can be made to look like you, by uploading a selfie they create a virtual representation of well…you. You can tweak the features and change your clothes through in-world purchases. Brandon our CPO and co-founder, has created his avatar and there is a definite likeness that can be observed.
Another feature that we liked was that Ready Player Me avatars are full-body forms, again adding to the realism of the experience. The recent leak on our Twitter feed shows that you can even see yourself in the mirror complete with legs and arms and all of the other body parts you’ve come to know and love in real life.
One of the main reasons for choosing Ready Player Me as a solution from a project perspective, is that it is free for everyone to use, making it accessible to all. If you wish, you can get ‘Ethereum World Ready’ today and can start creating your avatar on our Ready Player Me portal we can’t wait to see your Ready Player Me avatars on our Twitter @ethereumtowers share them with us using the #ethereumworldsready hash tag.
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